Starting with commit caedfa3 in the development branch, Replication Manager now has experimental support for MySQL and Percona Server. Due to important differences in the way how GTID is handled in MySQL, GTID failover will not be supported in versions prior to MySQL/PS 5.7. With MySQL 5.5 and 5.6, Replication Manager will revert to positional failover.

Example log below of a switchover correctly executed by Replication Manager in GTID mode, note the "Doing MySQL GTID switch" logged by the application.

[2017-04-04T14:04:30+08:00] [Default] INFO : Monitor started in automatic mode 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Starting master switch      
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Checking long running updates on master 10 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Flushing tables on master 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Electing a new master       
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Slave [0] has been elected as a new master 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Terminating all threads on 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Rejecting updates on (old master) 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Waiting for candidate Master to apply relay log 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Reading all relay logs on 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Save replication status before electing 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : master_log_file=edfc93067c56-bin.000002 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : master_log_pos=1074         
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Candidate was in sync=true  
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Stopping slave thread on new master 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Resetting slave on new master and set read/write mode on 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Switching old master as a slave 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Doing MySQL GTID switch     
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Switching other slaves to the new master 
[2017-04-04T14:05:06+08:00] [Default] INFO : Master switch on complete 

MySQL/PS are also handled by the dashboard, and you can now see versions being correctly detected, as well as Executed MySQL GTID on display.


About Replication Manager

Replication Manager is an open-source platform for handling MariaDB and MySQL replication topologies. It is developed by experts in consulting and remote database services.

If you would like to report a bug, ask for a feature or have questions, open an issue on Github

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